Haley’s Story​

Haley Josee Butcher was born at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach on April 1st, 1994. Haley grew up in Huntington Beach a spunky, outgoing girl, immersed in organized sports such as soccer, softball, swim, surfing, track, and volleyball. Haley also joined community-related programs such as Girl Scouts and Indian Princesses.

Throughout elementary school, she was known as the one to “light up the room”; the one that made sure no one was left out, and was always smiling about something. Haley’s presence was wild, spontaneous, and kindhearted.

Over the years, Haley and her family bonded over many trips they took together – whether it was traveling for national Volleyball tournaments, family vacations to Chicago, Hawaii, San Francisco, or the yearly summer surf trips to Las Gaviotas, Mexico.

When Haley reached high school, she achieved varsity volleyball her freshmen year. In 2009, she was given a guitar and took to it immediately, wasting no time with the “easy” songs; she learned exactly what she listened to.

Haley was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome, or pre-leukemia in March, 2011. Haley’s sickness struck a chord with the community’s heart, and hundreds of people participated in fundraising events and raised awareness of her rare disease.

Although Haley’s passing on November 7th, 2011 was peaceful, she leaves behind her heartbroken family, Joe, Cathleen, and Ashley.